Butch logged 265 hours on the blue Austin Healey BN7 two seater seen here, but I did the road testing on Tuesday afternoon. The car ran fine. It stopped and turned well but it overheated and the freshly rebuilt (but not by us) transmission wouldn’t come out of overdrive without a sharp rap on the O/D brake ring with a hammer. However we pronounced it ready for installation of the fenders, doors & windshield, and I returned it to the Auto Shoppe of South Burlington, Vt. to finish those things up.
We’ve been very busy this week. Because we’ve sent the Healey back for final paneling, Butch has gotten a move on with the yellow Morgan +4 seen here, a frame up restoration beginning with a new frame. My best guess is that it will be running about this time next week.
John can be seen here pulling down the leaking carburetors of the 2nd of three red TD’s he’s had his hands on this week, and as if that wasn’t enough, they’ve also installed two new tops since Monday.
Because we’re planning to reinstall the XJ6 engine tomorrow, Chris has been doing some undercar maintenance including selective suspension bushing replacement with upgraded urethatne bushings. Even though this is a West Coast Jaguar, it still has the occasional corroded nut or bolt here and there. Not many of them, but for some reason the nuts on the R/H swaybar pins didn’t want to come off. A quick dose of heat will usually save the pin, although a new nut & washer are always a good idea, particularly once you’ve rounded off the head first, as was the case here.
It’s kind of a short report this week, even though a lot has happened. This is mostly because of time constraints. Here’s a picture of the other side of the MG TD that John was doing carburetor work on. The first five people who can identify what’s wrong with this picture will get a free oil filter, post paid, for the british car of their choice.